
Arctic Divide Lodge

Hotels, Accessibility

48808 Stewart-Cassiar Hwy 37, Dease Lake, British Columbia, VOC ILO

Arctic Divide Lodge Accessibility

This business has self-assessed as having the following accessible attributes. Please contact the business directly for further detail if required.


  • Designated accessible parking near an accessible entrance that is specifically marked
  • Space specifically marked with a van-accessible sign, at minimum 4.7 metres wide, large enough to accommodate a vehicle with a side lift/ramp
  • Entrance has no steps or if there are one or more steps, there is non-slip ramp with a maximum of 5% slope
  • Entry route has a door that is at minimum 815 mm wide
Accessible Guest Rooms
  • Rooms for guests using mobility devices
  • Accessible route to accessible rooms
  • Entry door is a minimum 815 mm wide
  • Lowered "spyhole" in door
  • Lever type handle on entrance door
  • Easy pull or push door (max 22 newtons or 2.24 kilograms-force)
  • Lowered room controls (light switches, temperature controls)
  • Lowered bed height (550-600 mm)
  • Space between furniture is a minimum of 900 mm
  • Space on both sides of bed for a 180-degree turn with a mobility device (minimum turning area of 1,500 mm in diameter)
  • Lowered hanging space in closet
Accessible Guest Room Bathroom
  • Door is a minimum 815 mm wide
  • Fixed maximum hot water temperature
  • Roll-under sink minimum roll under height 684 mm
  • Insulated pipes under sink vanity, where these pipes are exposed
  • Lever style faucet controls
  • Lowered mirror at sink vanity
  • Shower chair with backrest (fixed or portable) within reach of controls
  • Handheld showerhead with lever controls
  • Bathtub with grab bars
  • Bath bench or chair with backrest
  • Raised toilet - 430-480 mm above floor with grab bars
  • Grab bars at toilet


Overall Space
  • Accommodation has closed captioning on TVs/video boards

Cognitive & Sensory Friendly

Overall Space
  • Specific times are available for quiet visits to support people requiring low stimuli
  • Surfaces, window coverings, and décor with minimal glare or reflection, as well as minimal use of bold patterns, shapes, or stripes
  • Subtle and/or natural lighting, no florescent or harsh lighting, and no dark shadows
  • Minimal visual clutter and obstacles
  • Nonslip floor surfaces with minimal reflection
  • Door handles have colour contrast with the body of the door; doors and frames have colour contrast with adjacent walls; any glass doors are marked to make them clearly visible
  • Background noise is minimal, and alarms or auditory cues are on a low frequency
  • Fragrance-free areas
  • Designated quiet spaces with comfortable seating for individuals feeling anxious or confused


Emergency Plan
  • System in place for guests to contact a staff member for help if required
Service Dogs
  • Staff have been trained on guide and service dog policies
  • Business has a dog relief area on site
High Speed Internet Service
  • Business has high-speed internet service available for video application use
Additional Information

Lodge has one accessible room that has a small kitchen with an island that can be rolled under.

Welcome to the beginning of your Dease Lake adventure! The Arctic Divide is a truly unique, inviting lodge accommodation located in the heart of Dease Lake British Columbia, along the Stewart-Cassiar Highway. We are locally owned and operated, and are rated #1 on Trip Advisor. We put every effort into maintaining that high rank by establishing a memorable experience for all of our guests. We have a passion to promote sustainable tourism in this remote wilderness region, and have brought the wilderness right to your room with custom-designed and hand-crafted nature-themed rooms! Enjoy a quiet and cozy sleep in our organic and handmade quilted bedding, a bath and clean air from special cleaning system to ensure COVID-19 health protocols are exceeded! Wake up to our raved-about coffee, lattes and cappuccino’s, locally hand roasted beans from Yukons Bean North! We aim to have you leave rested and full of positive energy for your travels!

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