
Kitimat Visitor Centre

Visitor Centres, Accessibility

2109 Forest Ave., Kitimat, British Columbia, V8C 2G7

Check pet-friendly specifics directly with the provider, regarding your requirements.

Kitimat Visitor Centre Accessibility

This business has self-assessed as having the following accessible attributes. Please contact the business directly for further detail if required.


  • Designated accessible parking near an accessible entrance that is specifically marked
  • Entrance has no steps or if there are one or more steps, there is non-slip ramp with a maximum of 5% slope
  • Entry route has a door that is at minimum 815 mm wide
Restroom In Public Area
  • Designated gender-neutral/family restroom that can also accommodate a support person
  • Can be reached without going up or down stairs, has a main entrance and/or stall that is a minimum 815 mm wide and has an outward swing door
Food Services
  • Accessible path of travel and accessible style tables/booths
  • Multiple floors with an elevator that is large enough for a 180-degree turn with a mobility device (minimum turning area of 1,500 mm in diameter)

Cognitive & Sensory Friendly

Restroom In Public Area
  • Designated gender-neutral/family restroom that can also accommodate a support person


Service Dogs
  • Business has a dog relief area on site
High Speed Internet Service
  • Business has high-speed internet service available for video application use

The Kitimat Visitor Centre provides tourists and locals with local to National information. We have public washrooms, free Wi-Fi and souvenirs and local crafts for sale. In the summer months we have two adult Norco Fluid 4 HT mid-fat mountain bikes you can rent as well as a fleet of 6 sea kayaks, 2 inflatable kayaks, and two inflatable paddleboards including all safety gear needed for a fun day on the water.

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