
R.J. Haney Heritage Village & Museum

Museums & Heritage Sites

751 Highway 97B NE, Salmon Arm, British Columbia, V1E 4P7

R.J. Haney Heritage Village & Museum Accessibility

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R.J. Haney Heritage Village and Museum is located on the east side of Salmon Arm at 751 Highway 97 B, it is the Shuswap’s largest heritage destination. It welcomes visitors from far and wide to discover how the early settlers and pioneers of the Shuswap lived. Set on 40 acres of the prettiest farmland in the Shuswap, the site comprises 24 buildings that are either replicas or originals and over 30 exhibits, including the original 1910 Haney House. Your admission includes access to the Heritage Village and Museum, Children’s Discovery Centre & Outdoor Play Area, Sprig of Heather restaurant, walking trails, daily activities and tours. A must-see is our very popular Villains and Vittles Dinner Theatre Production. You can enjoy a home-cooked meal and live theatre every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday evening in July and August. Seating is limited. Some of the best memories are made at R.J. Haney Heritage Village & Museum, and a visit from May through September is well worth the trip!

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