
Trethewey House Heritage Site

Museums & Heritage Sites, Accessibility

2313 Ware St, Abbotsford, British Columbia, V2S 3C6

Trethewey House Heritage Site Accessibility

This business has self-assessed as having the following accessible attributes. Please contact the business directly for further detail if required.


  • Designated accessible parking near an accessible entrance that is specifically marked
  • Entrance has no steps or if there are one or more steps, there is non-slip ramp with a maximum of 5% slope
  • Entry route has a door that is at minimum 815 mm wide
Restroom In Public Area
  • Can be reached without going up or down stairs, has a main entrance and/or stall that is a minimum 815 mm wide and has an outward swing door
Activities & Transportation
  • Key activities are accessible to guests using mobility devices
  • Pathways are hard packed surfaces with a maximum slope 5%


Overall Space
  • Staff are available to accompany guests through the venue as a guide, and to describe the sights

Cognitive & Sensory Friendly

Overall Space
  • Staff are available to accompany guests through the venue as a guide, and to describe the sights


Emergency Plan
  • Emergency plan includes staff trained to provide in-person assistance for people with mobility, visual, and hearing requirements
Service Dogs
  • Staff have been trained on guide and service dog policies
  • Business has a dog relief area on site
High Speed Internet Service
  • Business has high-speed internet service available for video application use

Our drop-in tour hours are from 1-4 PM Monday-Friday. Trethewey House Heritage Site is operated by Heritage Abbotsford Society, a registered non-profit. Our mission is to collect, record, preserve and share the stories of Abbotsford. We offer a range of programs and experiences including site tours, exhibits, historical Abbotsford walking tours, and more – all by donation. The Heritage Site consists of Trethewey House, Joey’s Playhouse, the Upper Sumas Train Station, a Heritage Gallery, and the Sylvia Pincott Heritage Habitat Garden. Trethewey House was built in 1919-1920 by Joseph Ogle “J.O.” Trethewey. As President of the Abbotsford Lumber Company, J.O. was responsible for leadership of the company during the company’s boom years in the 1920s. The House is built in the local Craftsman style and was constructed using primarily local materials, making it distinct from other buildings of similar age within the City of Abbotsford.

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