
Bluewater Adventures

Whale Watching, Wildlife Tours, Sightseeing, Boating, Accessibility

252 1st St E Suite 3, North Vancouver, British Columbia, V7L 1B3

  • Jan
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Bluewater Adventures Accessibility

This business has self-assessed as having the following accessible attributes. Please contact the business directly for further detail if required.


Overall Space
  • Audible alarm and/or public service system


Overall Space
  • Business has a visual warning (alarm) system

Cognitive & Sensory Friendly

Overall Space
  • Nonslip floor surfaces with minimal reflection
  • Steps and slope changes are clearly marked and lit, and have handrails
Signs & Navigation
  • Signs have minimal glare or reflection


Emergency Plan
  • Emergency plan includes staff trained to provide in-person assistance for people with mobility, visual, and hearing requirements

Bluewater Adventures offers once in a lifetime wildlife and coastal First Nations cultural experiences. Our multi-day, live aboard trips explore the remote wilderness of coastal British Columbia and Southeast Alaska. Our slow travel style immerses us in our surroundings as we keep an eye out for whales and other marine mammals, sea birds and bears, old-growth forests and ancient native villages. Experienced biologists, renowned resource people and our skilled crew engage guests on these inspirational learning journeys. With the west coast as our specialty, we focus on wildlife behaviour, ecology, conservation and sustainability, and local history. A small group size of 12 guests ensures quality, informality, and a hands-on experience for all aboard. Since 1974, Bluewater Adventures reputation and expertise has brought respected groups and people from around the world. Explore Haida Gwaii, Northern Vancouver Island, the Great Bear Rainforest, Alaska & the Khutzeymateen with us!

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