Point Ellice House Museum and Gardens

Museums & Heritage Sites

2616 Pleasant St, Victoria, British Columbia, V8T 4V3

Point Ellice House Museum and Gardens Accessibility

This business has self-assessed as having the following accessible attributes. Please contact the business directly for further detail if required.

Point Ellice House stands as a symbol of heritage preservation and cross-cultural understanding. Constructed between 1861 and 1862, it houses one of Canadas most extensive Victorian-era collections. Featuring heritage architecture, expansive gardens, nature trails, and a picturesque waterfront setting, it is a distinctive destination on Vancouver Island. Today it serves as a unique monument to both a bygone era and the ongoing journey towards greater understanding and healing with First Nations and Métis communities. The commitment to acknowledging the complex historical impacts associated with its former resident marks Point Ellice House as a critical space for fostering dialogue and reconciliation. Point Ellice House serves as a beacon of heritage preservation and cross-cultural understanding, inviting visitors to explore, learn, and connect. NOTE: There is no longer a Victorian- Tea experience, however we are working on new Indigenous experiences so please check back with us!

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